It's Time to Think Gifts

Over the past two years, family occasions, parties, and celebrations have evaporated. With COVID-19 now well into a fourth wave, there’s tremendous pent-up demand for social interaction among the fully vaccinated. Economists tell us that means we’ll all be giving and receiving more gifts in the coming months.

As an author who still can’t do promotions inside stores, I’ve been exploring alternatives to boost my readership. And I’d like you to help me take part in the expected increase in gift-giving by considering my books as gifts for a spouse, parent, neighbor, friend, or other folks you gift like teachers, hairstylists, or your local mail delivery person. 

Each of my stories sells individually at $19.95 Canadian. That’s about 15.00 USD. Individual novels are available anywhere you order your books. Plus, Escapades Abound is a trilogy gift set that sells for $49.95 (about 33 USD) and includes Three Weeks Less a Day, The Multima Scheme, and Unrelenting Peril. 

To that mix, we’ve just added the Gary D. McGugan Collection. This is an exciting new gift set that includes all 5 novels at the special price of $79.95 (or about 53 USD)! This collection will have very limited production and distribution, making it an ideal special-occasion gift. Selected Indigo and Chapters bookstores feature the Gary D. McGugan Collection in Canada, but you can also order for shipment anywhere in the world from my website. 

An added benefit: Orders from my website will include personalized signatures on each book, and I’ll pay all shipping costs. For your autumn and holiday season gift-giving, please consider a Gary D. McGugan book.